Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I tripped and fell last night just as I was finishing weeding the garden in front of our house. Unfortunately, I fell back on the cement and hurt my right arm and elbow just like Hillary Clinton. Fortunately, no fracture or hairline crack showed up on the ex ray , but I am in a sling with an ice bag sitting on the sota like Queen Bee. Just what can a person do with a right hand injury? Nothing but entertain all of my company who has come to see me and accept the wonderul gestures of food and good will. DH is busy doing dishes, putting away laundry and running errands for me. Life is good, the swelling is down tonight. Thank goodness for wonderful men. Poor Heinrich sat beside me outside last night and wouldn't go for help. Loyal man, my little furry child.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Barbara, gosh I hope you really haven't done any damage. Make sure you look after yourself. You are having a bad run, first the car and now yourself, don't make a third!
hugs Deb