Monday, September 28, 2009

My Walking World





These are pics of Icelandic State Park. The park is located 6 miles from our home, so I have been going out there to walk with my dog each day. Weight loss is a real pain in the butt~ it is easier to think of walking to better your health and get fit. Walking over three miles a day is so much easier with a nice place like this to go. Heinrich roams free and I listen to my Ipod or the birds or whatever. There are many short trails or loops like this,and three main places to go , so lots of variety in choosing your path . There are inclines too, making some courses a little tougher than other.
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1 comment:

Deb said...

Barb, what an absolutely beautiful area, it would be bliss to be able to walk around there and I can only imagine how relaxing it must feel. I bet Henrich loves it.